A perfect gift for kids and parents this season is this latest book by Deepak Chopra.
Mr. Chopra’s book teaches kids the important messages all parents can share at any age. When kids understand the way the world works from a spiritual point of view, it makes it easier for them to navigate through life with joy, love, and happiness.
The Seven Spiritual Laws for Children
Everything is possible. We all have the gift of creating absolutely anything.
There’s no limit to what we can do or be.
If you want to get something, give it.
Always give with a happy heart. The greatest gift is feeling good.
When you make a choice, you change the future (karma).
Your choices bring about changes. To make good choices, follow your heart.
How do your choices make you feel?
Don’t say no—go with the flow.
Create peace within by learning acceptance of what is outside our control.
Every time you wish or want, you plant a seed.
Making your wish is like planting a seed and believing that it will grow.
Let nature do the rest.
Be open to life and enjoy the journey.
New ways and new ideas can lead to more happiness.
You are here for a reason.Your dharma is your purpose, path, or vision,
the unique talent that you are here on Earth to share. Your dharma is your happiness.
– Deepak Chopra
Add a few on your gift lists this year. Published and available for purchase at HayHouse.com
On My Way to a Happy Life.
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