How are you feeling? Hopeful? Hopeless? Overwhelmed? Grateful? Rested? Frustrated?

For the month of April, I am filling my social feeds with hope. I’m grabbing my favorite hope quotes and going through my oh so many iPhone photos and I’m creating a daily hope post. I am hopeful one or more will speak to you and help just a little bit. Please share, like, and comment. I would love to get a conversation going on how hope is helping you through.
For all United States and Michigan based small businesses out there in unknown territory, there is hope for small businesses during a crisis. The United States government is making grants, and low-interest loans available. Practice some meditation, listen to some inspiring podcasts, get out and walk or run, and explore all opportunities that fit.
Many people I talk to are viewing this time as a positive reset. A time to repair from burn out, a time to adjust course. The only way through it is with hope. Hope for the best outcome, hope for new insights, hope for the future. Hope and believe you will move away from feeling overwhelmed to feeling your personal strength, the strength of the world and hope for the future. It may look different than you imagined coming into 2020. Release the controls, hope and believe in the best outcome.
I am not blind to the fact that lives will be lost, families and businesses will suffer. My hope is there will be fewer fatalities than the estimates and our first responders and health care workers will feel all of the gratitude we share for their countless hours. and dedication to our loved ones and us. As we continue to take precautions and practice good citizenship by staying home and taking care of those we can, we can all join in the hope for healing.
Please visit our social media platforms and join in our daily conversations of hope. Find us on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
in all industries please stay safe AND be vigilant. These moments are allowing some to regroup from burnout, set up plans with their teams (at home and at work), learn Zoom, research new products or services to offer. Making the most of the changed landscape and hoping to come out stronger.
For those on the front line, thank you for continuing to provide care and product availability so the world can continue to turn.
Small Businesses who see layoffs or reduced revenue smacking their bottom line look at the CARES Act and the SBA Loans. Stay attentive to new opportunities that can help keep your staff working, or bring them back quickly. This article on Medium outlines some of the grants, loans, and programs available right now.
Here’s hoping you keep your lights burning and you are prepared for the deluge of activity when we are all released from our sequester
For deeper inspiration and life-long techniques for developing hope in every day, meditate with Oprah and Deepak Chopra’s Hope in Uncertain Times free meditation.
Please stay well and hopeful.
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