CEED’s Leadership Institute 2009

I have returned to the office this morning following the inspiring CEED Leadership Institute held at Davenport University’s beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan M-6 campusWISE was a sponsor of the event and I am proud Connection Group was selected to create visual branding for CEED’s annual multi-city event. My reflections on the day return me to the many stories the speakers shared. It is with their personal stories a speaker can truly leave a lasting impression on a listener.  An audience of successful women business owners were there to hear facts and authentic examples of effective leadership. With grace and intelligence all of the presenters of the Leadership Institute delivered. Attendees left with clear examples and shared wisdom of personal stories that clearly demonstrated “tough times are temporary but tough people are permanent.” This annual CEED event has two more Michigan locales scheduled for this year. Kellogg Center of Battle Creek will host on June 4, 2009 and Davenport University Livonia Campus will be the hosts for the June 26, 2009 Livonia Leadership Institute. You can learn more and register here at www.miCeed.org.CEED’s Kathi Boyle expressed her gratitude to all the people and organizations that made the Grand Rapids CEED Leadership Institute possible with a personalized gift for the presenters and sponsors.


Sarah Wrasse – www.rightplace.org


Lisa Gretchko – www.howardandhoward.com

Jami Miller – www.jemcomputer.com

Stephen Hughes – www.davenport.edu


Bill Small – www.mmtc.org


Sarah Bates – www.ntsteel.net


 WISE - Women in Successful Enterprises     







*CEED Women’s Business Center programs are funded in part by a Cooperative Agreement with the US. Small Business Administration. 

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