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CAMW Offers Education Vouchers – thru April 9, 2010

Capital Area Michigan Works! is participating with the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth and Microsoft to implement Elevate America, a program designed to build Greater Lansing’s workforce-related skills in a 21st Century economy.
Elevate America provides access to FREE Microsoft E-Learning courses and certification exams. Beginning learners can access free training online. Intermediate and Advanced learners can visit a Capital Area Michigan Works Service Center to receive a voucher. Vouchers are available through April 9, 2010.
Intermediate vouchers are available to help job seekers, students, small business owners and residents upgrade their Microsoft Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Access and Excel skills (2003 or 2007), as well as Microsoft Vista skills. Additionally, learners can receive vouchers for the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam (2003) and Microsoft Office Certified Application Specialist Vista and Office Exam (2007). Free testing is available with vouchers at New Horizons in Lansing.
Those with existing IT experience can upgrade their skills further with vouchers for access to 89 different e-learning courses to help IT professionals prepare for Microsoft Certifications. Elevate America advanced e-learning courses support occupations such as Web/Windows Developers, Support Technicians, Database Administrators, Systems Administrators, Systems Engineers, Enterprise Administrators and Server Administrators.
Small businesses and existing professionals are welcome and encouraged to receive vouchers.
For more information, visit your local Capital Area Michigan Works! office in Lansing, St. Johns, or Charlotte.
Teri Sand, PHR, CBSP Capital Area Michigan Works!, 2110 South Cedar Street, Lansing, MI 48910 Direct Phone 517-492-5516; Fax 517-492-5501; Email