WELCOME SPRING! March tip is on digital and analog resolution..or…why grabbing a photo off your Web site for use on your printed brochure doesn’t work. This is requested often and the tip explains it clearly. It’s a bit technical but worth learning…
CONNECTIONS: Watch your mailbox for your quarterly
desktop calendar within the week. If you are not on
the list, the full year 2008 poster versions are still
available. Let us know if you would like a poster and
want to be added to the calendar list for 2009.
DOWNLOADS: WIth St. Patrick’s Day, First Day of Spring
and Easter, March e-cards are well covered! We have
new cards in other categories also. The March
desktop pattern is posted for download too!
“Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you
want, but the realization of how much you
already have.” – Anonymous
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