Effective marketing tools include a combination of a strong online presence and a selection of high-quality printed materials.
In addition to your business card, these printed materials include what’s known as “leave-behind” pieces. In this edition of Connectivity, we talk about how to incorporate these elements into your branding and marketing efforts. Don’t forget to check out how you can save on brochures this June.
“Leave-behind” Pieces and Brand Awareness
Do you know how to create an effective “leave-behind” piece that increases your brand’s awareness?
Even though a big portion of your efforts to build brand awareness happens online, you should not neglect using “leave-behind” pieces for your small business.
A leave-behind piece is printed material that can be left with a new contact or potential customer. There are many types of leave-behind pieces that you can use to make a lasting impression, keep your company in your client’s minds, and eventually lead to a sale. These materials should complement your online presence, and offer the additional advantage of visibility even when your contact isn’t online.
Click here to learn about guidelines to keep in mind if you want to create pieces that effectively complement your online marketing efforts.
Save on Brochures
Save 15% on your next order of full color brochures, including design and printing. Check out some of our previous projects, and contact us to start crafting your new leave-behind pieces today.
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