September 2014

Improving Workplace and Economic Opportunities for Women 

Connection Group was pleased to assist Grand Rapids Women’s Resource Center (GRWRC) in the development of their 2013 Annual Report. GRWRC is an exemplary non-profit that serves as an advocate for women in the Grand Rapids community. The Center works with women to chief economic independence through meaningful employment. read more…



How to Hire a Graphic Designer 101

computer screen displaying website contentMaybe on the onset your secretary’s business card designs helped get the word out about your company. Now that you are past the launch stage you are curious about how to hire a graphic designer – a professional graphic designer who can present the company at a higher level. Whether your small business needs an updated logo design, sales sheets, brochures, or digital artwork created for websites and social media, knowing how to hire a graphic designer will save you time and money.  Checklist on the blog…

October Promotion:

Save 20% on Banners

Want to attract attention? Full color banners are an excellent marketing tool for events, promotions, advertising, trade shows, schools and more.
For either indoor or outdoor use, and at a variety of sizes, custom banners are an economical option that takes advantage of full color printing.
Our Value Banners are printed on non-tear stock and are best for indoor use or short-term outdoor use, and include self-adhesive PowerTabs® for hanging. Our
Durable Banners are printed on vinyl with hem, ropes and grommets included,
and are ready for hanging outdoors.

All Banners include:
• custom design
• full color printing
• durable stock

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