May peace and gratitude fill your homes this holiday and everyday. Connection Group will be closed November 26 and 27th for the Thanksgiving holiday. You may find us on our social pages though, stop in and say hello!
On the Blog:
Designing a Small Business Logo – Tell Your Story Authentically
The logo is a visual symbol of the brand personality and message. It is often the markets’ first impression of a business or product. If your’e designing a small business logo, here are a few tips to consider. Read More…
Taking Care of Business
Year end ritual: Reflect and ring in the new year with conscious intention
- Schedule an hour or more of uninterrupted time.
- If you documented business goals at the beginning of 2015 review now.
- Note your 2015 achievements.
- Consider how they came to pass and how each has affected your business?
- Who helped you meet your goals?
- What did you do differently this year that helped you reach these achievements?
- Have your achievements affected other areas of your life? Spiritual, home, family, social, health?
- Now, set ten new business intentions for 2016.
- If you you have time make lists for other the areas of your life too – remember everything is connected!
- Now review your 2015 achievement list again. Feel the gratitude and satisfaction of hard work rewarded.
Those of us who are goal driven are good about making lists and crossing items off. Once the list is complete, we start another list. Stopping for a moment to enjoy successes (and expressing gratitude for all who have helped) lightens disappointments and energizes growth.
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