Effective content marketing not only keeps your website current, but it is also critical to coming up on the first page of search results.
Search engines look for keyword-rich content on your website related to your industry, products, and services. Adding new information to your web pages, blog posts, service, and product descriptions, promotions, video, branding visuals, are a few examples of digital content.
You can’t just rely on search engines to bring people to your website though. Distributing content to new audiences helps you get in front of many more prospects.
Where does your target audience hang out? Look for outposts where you can share content, discover niche forums, social media platforms, news websites, blog sharing websites and more.
1. Identify your audience(s) and topic(s)
Allocate your content distribution.
- If your top sales are in one product or service, allocate 60% of your content to that product, 25% to your second producer, 15% to your third…
- Or focus on lead generation and dedicate 50% for prospecting, 25% to current customers, 25% previous customers.
2. Create a Content Calendar
Effective content marketing begins with planning. This shareable resource helps the whole team visualize how content will be distributed throughout the year.
- Plan content around events, product releases, holidays, etc.
- Be realistic on the time commitment you’re capable of each month/quarter/year…
- Divide up the person hours with staff, partner with colleagues, or budget to outsource content creation.
Download our free content calendar.
3. Take stock of your content assets
You may have a lot of content already. Presentations or training session slide decks, e-books, videos, infographics, old blogs, etc. You can also partner with colleagues to share their informative videos, photos, transcribed interviews, blog posts, etc. Have them do a guest blog posts or a series of them. These content assets might take the form of:
- re-purpose content – update old blog posts with current information
- interview colleagues, local leaders for audio or video content
- how-to videos, videos just for fun, introduce new staff
4. Schedule, publish, promote
We find it works best to set a specific day each week to work on content. Blocking time out on your schedules gives it the importance it deserves.
5. Track, and tweak your content
Compare stats from tracking systems of posts or pages viewed, during key campaigns or time frames. Assess which types and posts have proven to be the most effective content marketing.
- Install Google analytics or other tracking software on your website. Follow visits, engagements, and sales.
- Track feedback, insights, etc. from chosen social media platforms,
- Review email campaign reports
Need an extra boost to get started?
We can help you determine what the most effective marketing content is for your business with a brand content consultation. You’ll get one-on-ones with us, an entire year roadmap outlining the most effective marketing content to capture your audience. See list of features for your personalized content roadmap.
You can choose to develop all of your content from there or we can help you with as little or as much of it as you would like. Contact us today!
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