Posts Tagged green printing

Green Up Your Next Print Project!

To increase options and affordability of earth friendly and recycled products we all need to select them when making personal and professional purchases. Connection Group supports the green initiative through the use and availability of paper and products with recycled content. We seek clients and vendors dedicated to supporting the environment with earth friendly practices including reuse of materials, reduced waste and emissions in all company practices.
Connection Group is committed to reusing and recycling all forms of materials. Reducing consumption and minimizing waste in all areas of production and marketing is built into our company climate. In support of alternative energy resources we offer a green hosting package that supports wind powered technology. We are committed to research and delivery of innovative and effective environmental options to serve our clients needs while caring for the earth.
Please contact us with questions and more information on environmentally friendly marketing options. Read further about one of Connection Graphic’s very favorite clients whose earth friendly practices has set new standards in the book printing industry. Authors and publishers look no further, after Connection Group turns your manuscript into a professionally designed book with an eye catching book cover, McNaughton & Gunn will print your next best seller.
McNaughton & Gunn – committed to EarthCare
Green printing is not just a trend at book printer McNaughton & Gunn. Inc. (M&G), Saline, Michigan. Being a good corporate citizen, environmental stewardship has been a conscious effort for M&G even before it came into vogue. M&G was the first Michigan Great Printer, is the recipient of multiple environmental awards and supports multiple earth friendly programs locally and nationally.
Because paper plays such a large role in the making of books, M&G offers a variety of eco-friendly paper options. Recycled papers in both white and natural with a minimum of 30% post consumer waste (PCW) are available for earth conscious authors and publishers.
M&G EarthCare is a company wide commitment to continually strive to improve in the areas of waste reduction and pollution prevention. In 2007, they became certified in the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody program. Chain of custody certification ensures the integrity of specified papers from the forest, to pulp mills, to paper mills, through the distributor to the printer and finally to the printed piece. You can also support green printing by purchasing other wood products such as building supplies and furniture marked with the fsc logo.
M&G EarthCare recognizes environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility and initiatives need to include more than recycled paper choices. A number of steps have been taken to cut down on the waste throughout the manufacturing process. Over the years, M&G has drastically reduced the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) generated during the printing process. Technologies and methods, which substitute non-hazardous materials and utilize other source reduction approaches, are given top priority.
Read more about M&G’s sustainability practices in the following article:

Environmental Sustainability — The Greening of Print