Logo for Connection Group. Updated in 2007 from the initial logo created in 1996.
Create Your Visual Brand…
Strong branding strategies use design to communicate a message that attracts your target audience. An image is needed that creates confidence in your brand while differentiating you from your competitors.
1. Logos
• a unique and easily recognizable image promotes easy recognition
• visually communicates your business nature
• demonstrates business is current and pays attention to reputation in the market
• makes it easier to attract international business, because they are able to instantly understand your business offerings.
I love to design logos for new companies, or companies ready to update their image. It truly is the most rewarding work I do. Presenting a logo design and hear “How did you do that? It is like you read my mind? My business feels real to me now!” It really is an amazing feeling for everyone. (Still kind of reminds me of Steve Martin in
The Jerk movie when he sees his name in the phone book and exclaims “I’m Somebody Now!”. I know this reference dates me but it is a classic!
2. Correspondence & Promotions
Business cards, stationary, postcards, flyers, brochures, invitations, notecards, catalogs, specialty advertising… A strong, consistent corporate visual identity throughout your communication and marketing efforts helps to effectively express your mission and create a solid image.
A unique, custom image sets you apart in prospects eyes more than any marketing effort you endeavor. If your materials look as if they have been produced by an amateur, viewers assume your services or products are cheap or unreliable. In these days of desktop publishing and online print companies, it is so easy to create your own postcards, sales sheets, etc. with a template included in your software program or online print site. Consider thousands – maybe millions of people – depending on the software, and online printer, have access to the same template and clip art. In one day I seen the same layout used by a law firm as a pet groomer. I have collected over 20 business cards from different companies who used the same online printer layout! All different industries! I get confused who I am calling, a massage therapist or a lighting expert – their business cards are exactly the same. Hard to trust that they will provide individual service if they do not recognize the important of their brand message.
Lastly, if you are going to produce in house – and even if you outsource your marketing promotions, proofread carefully! Spell check doesn’t catch all errors.
3. Website and Internet Marketing
A well designed website creates an image of an established company. Hving broken links on a Web site instantly discredits your company to the visitor. If there is just one and the rest of the site is functioning well, people usually understand, too many non-functioning items, links and pages, demonstrate a lack of attention to detail. Take a look around the net -be honest – which Web sites have been created by the owners nephew and which sites have been organized and developed by a professional Web site design and development firm? It really is that obvious. Templates sites are similar concern with Web sites as they are with print materials. Do you really want your Web presence to be the exact same as your competition, or worse with a shady industry? It is important to establish a unique, custom identity. You don’t have to go overboard and drop a lot of money. Custom can be created in a budget too.
Lastly, don’t be stuck in the mind set that once your site is posted, the job is done. A static site does very little good. First and foremost, search engines don’t like them. If your site content is not updated regularly search engines ignore it and move on. Your site doesn’t get recognition and falls in the rankings. Another consideration for updating is you want visitors to keep coming back! Give good content that educates them or post new products and samples. COnsider the more information you provide your visitor the less time you have to spend selling them or answering the same questions time and time again. Build your Web site as your electronic sales rep.
This applies to e-newsletters, blogs and social media pages too – don’t muddy your brand!
4. Signage and Vehicle lettering
When a corporate logo is prominently displayed on a company vehicle, the customer is put at ease knowing the person coming in their door is legitimate. It enhances customer comfort during maintenance calls, etc. Of course many of us have experienced going in circles looking for a business because their signage doesn’t exist, is too small so it can not be read from the road or doesn’t contain the corporate logo or colors we are familiar with from their business cards or other promotions. A note about signage is to be aware of the signage zoning in your community before creating or posting a sign. Signage zoning laws cover sign dimensions, placement, distance from the road, illuminated or non-illuminated, etc.
Do you need help with any of these elements? Connection Group specializes in the design and production of all the above marketing and branding visuals. Give us a call today. The first hour consultation is complimentary!