For all Michigan Rock Star Entrepreneurs, MEDC is inviting Michigan companies to apply for INC 500 and contributing the $100 fee.
Here is an opportunity to get your fast growing business listed in the Inc 500/5000. This is a great public relations opportunity and we encourage your consideration to use this opportunity or to share with associates that you feel will gain from this excellent recognition and exposure. Let’s put our Great Lakes region on the technology entrepreneur community leadership map which will attract more entrepreneurs, investors, team members, and customers! As a thank you for doing business in Michigan, MEDC will contribute your $100 application fee to Inc.
The state’s economic development agency, the MEDC is providing a streamlined and no cost application process for entrepreneurs to apply for the Inc. 500|5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in the country. Honorees who make the list will be recognized in Inc. Magazine as well as online at Additionally, a special celebration will be held at the annual Inc. 500/5000 Conference later this year. The goal is to increase the number of Michigan companies recognized on the list each year.
Michigan based companies should contact the assigned concierge, Colleen Armstrong, Senior Project Specialist for Inc. 500|5000 at 212.389.5504 or via e-mail at, to apply. (The deadline may be extended by 2 weeks for Michigan companies ONLY so please be sure to contact the concierge to apply). As a benefit to you, MEDC and Inc. have partnered to provide Michigan companies with personalized concierge services to walk you through the application process.
MEDC hopes to see you at the annual Inc. 500|5000 Conference in September 30–October 2, 2010, to celebrate other Michigan companies and alumni.
As a thank you for doing business in Michigan, MEDC will contribute your $100 application fee to Inc. We look forward to celebrating your success as part of the Inc. 500|5000 community.
Thanks to Lisa Dancsok, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications of MEDC for sharing this opportunity with us.
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