
The Power of Words

I have been making notes on what my next blog entry should be and haven’t gone forward to bring it up on the to-do list and get them posted. Today, however, I received an email from professional speaker Gene Griessman and the introduction on his e-newsletter really resonates with me. I am a flag bearer of integrity and speaking your truth. Integrity is a quality I believe is a critical component for success and for healthy self worth. I hope Gene’s writing speaks to you as it did for me. If you are interested in hiring Gene for speaking engagements or purchasing his books and DVD’s on President Lincoln please scroll to the bottom of this entry and click over to his website. Take note and remember to choose your words with care. 


(Some years ago I wrote this Lincoln soliloquy for the training film “Lincoln On Communication” and subsequently incorporated it into the one-man play “The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln.” It is included in Chapter 19 of our new book.) 

“Words have been used to encourage and praise me. Words have been used to mock, attack, and wound me. But I have never lost faith in their power or their durability.

Words can reveal thoughts, conceal pain, paint dreams, correct errors, and pass along dearly bought lessons to the latest generation.

Words can transport knowledge from the past, interpret the present, and speak to the future. Words can erect walls between people, or build bridges.

Words can inflame passions or cool them, stir up the worst or find the best, pull down or build up, tarnish or cleanse, wound or heal.

The ability to use words can endear you to your fellows, win them to your side, and help you to rise to heights you may now only dream of. That happened to my father’s son.

Pursuing the mastery of words is worth the time, the money, and all the energy you can muster. What you invest will be repaid with interest compounded.

Build up your knowledge so that your words will be true. Nurture your spirit so that your words will be true, kind, and wise.

The world may little note nor long remember what you say here. And yet it may.  For words, once released, take on a life of their own, and find lodging in places and hearts you may never know. And after many days, those words may return to haunt you, or to bless you.

Think carefully before you let them go.

(For autographed copies and quantity discounts of Lincoln Speaks To Leaders, contact us at

If you are involved in planning an upcoming meeting, sales conference, customer-appreciation event or seminar please contact Gene Griessman by visiting his website or calling 404-256-5927. Click here to watch excerpts from the Lincoln presentation in streaming video.


This was just too good not to share. Thank you Charmaine for sending it my way!

In response to a video contest this video was submitted by a 20 year old. The contest for young people was titled “u@50”. This video won second place – it will be interesting to see the first place winner. When they showed it, everyone in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous applause. It is simple and brilliant. Take a minute and watch it.

Please Support the Arts

When so much money is being handed out to criminals and unregulated institutions Art organizations continually function on limited budgets while employing and educating millions of Americans and tourist throughout the country each year. The legislative action surrounding jobs funding for the arts in the Economic Recovery Package in Congress is picking up speed, and we need you to take action! Americans for the Arts has been working with Congressional leaders to build support for this emergency funding for local and state arts organizations to prevent job losses during this recession.

House –As you may recall, last week the House Appropriations Committee approved a plan that included $50 million in supplemental grants funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, and a number of other provisions that can benefit the arts. Starting tonight, and continuing tomorrow, the House will be considering the recovery legislation on the floor, and a number of votes are expected.

Senate –The Senate will be starting their debate on the bill on Friday and continuing through next week. While the Senate Appropriations Committee did not include an arts jobs funding provision in their version of the bill, advocates still have several opportunities over the next few days to change the final outcome. Amendments could be made to the Senate bill or the House arts funding provision itself could prevail in the final House/Senate conference bill. Please take two minutes to take action and ask your Member of Congress and Senators to support the arts in this legislation. Americans for the Arts has supplied you with fresh research and key quotes that support this funding — your help in communicating this information to your Member of Congress is critical. Thank you for your support of the arts!

Reflect on Your Accomplishments

Each year end I look forward to setting a time to reflect on the previous 12 months. Along with reflection I also use this period to do some forecasting and set goals personally and professionally. If you can snag a bit of time by yourself during the holiday season for this practice I guarantee you will reap some powerful insights. If you are not good at writing things down or journaling, try a dream board to identify some goals you are seeking. A dream board is a great visual reminder to drive your actions throughout the year. Check WikiHow if you are not familiar with dream boards.

To help you on the year end reflections I have included some questions from a coaching professional below to get you started. Cheryl Richardson is a life coach who has helped bring coaching into the mainstream. Her guidance and best selling books resonate with wisdom, courage and gut-wrenching truths we must all embrace to truly become the people we want to be. Below are some questions from her Life Makeover book and community to help you as you reflect on the past year.

Reflect on the year by answering the following questions:

  1. What hidden part of you have you awakened this year?
  2. What positive changes have you made to your home or office?
  3. Are you getting your creative needs met? How?
  4. What changes have you made to better honor your integrity?
  5. Have you added any small pleasures to your life? If so, what are they?
  6. Have you forgiven yourself for something you did that’s been bugging you?
  7. How have you taken better care of your body, your mind, or your heart?
  8. How have you been a better partner, spouse, friend, or co-worker?
  9. What have you done to help others improve the quality of their lives?
  10. Are you letting things be easy?

Buy A Meter

During this season of giving it is easy to get caught up in materialism. New home decor, sparkling jewelry and gadgets galore fill the gift lists of all ages. Thanksgiving allows a time to reflect on the blessings we have and express our gratitude. Our families, our health, our jobs come to mind and we are grateful. Most of us have our basic needs met and I think some of us take them for granted. We know there are people in other countries who do not have the luxury of the basic necessities of life and people in our own country who do without some of the “extras”, the proms dresses, ipods, and fancy cars. So we give to the third world nations and maybe pick an ornament off of the local Angel Tree and feel good about giving back. There are a lot of good causes we can all support with money, resources, talents. If you are looking for one close to home, in the U.S., for people who are without the basic necessities we may take for granted, consider the families of Hale County, Alabama. View the link below to get more specifics. It is amazing to me how so many here in the United States, the richest country in the world, live without water. Buy a meter yourself or get a group together.

Free food for Shelter Dogs and Cats Animal Rescue Site

Animal lovers, this is pretty simple… Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free fooddonated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on the purple box “fund food for animals” for free. This doesn’t cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donatefood to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here’s the web site! Pass it along to people you know.

…Free Ecards and desktop patterns!

Welcome to our designers blog! For those of you who have been to our site before you will see a lot of new fun stuff. I am so excited about creating the new desktop patterns and ecards. And we’re sharing them with everyone… For free!
Really – free ecard greetings. No, I’m not going to slam you with tons of email offers begging you to buy stuff. No voodoo if you don’t send it to five people within five minutes. No selling your email to a list serve. Really-free.
So help me out. Think of someone you care about. Look through the ecard categories and choose one you know will make a connection or bring a smile to that person. On your journey be sure to connect with the messages and art that speaks to you too. Check out the desktop patterns link and see if we have the card design you like in a desktop pattern form. Totally free desktop patterns too – promise! We will continue to add Seasonal Greeting ecards, Christmas ecards, New Years ecards, and increase the variety available.
I have been having so much fun making these, I have 10 or so desktop patterns cycle through on my own laptop. Amazing how sometimes the message or affirmation I need at that moment just pops on screen. I’m diggin it.
Let us know which ones you like best or if there are particular designs or categories you would like to see. Keep coming back as we add more! Sign up for the newsletter and we will let you know when new sets are posted too.
Enjoy, enjoy.
I’ll hit on the rest of the site overhaul in the next few entries. Pieces, parts are still in progress..bare with us and check back as we add more.
Click along and stay connected.

Welcome to Our New Blog

Welcome to the new Connection Group web Blog, you can expect to find updates on clients, new features to the site and much much more as we continue to build our website to better serve you.